Overcoming Obstacles with the Rhinoceros Mindset: A Book Review – Rhinoceros Success by Scott Alexander

Xander Clemens
15 min readJul 14, 2023

I enjoy reading books that offer positive messages and insights. After all, as Jim Rohn said, “Don’t let your learning lead to knowledge. Let your learning lead to action.” My first step to action after reading a book is to document my learning, dive deeper into the subject matter, and then talk about it with the person who recommended the book to me in the first place.

This leads to how I first learned about the book “Rhinoceros Success” by Scott Alexander, written in 1980. In May of this year, I went to New York City with my girlfriend for a conference by The Family Office Club for high-net-worth investors. During our time in New York, I was introduced to an attendee who was also originally from Alaska. He has since made a life for himself with his family in Mexico.

This individual had quite a few Alaskan stories to share. His family is historically known in the capital of Alaska, Juneau, for starting the first hotel and restaurant. They were also responsible for creating opportunities and helping to bring Filipinos to the southeastern part of Alaska.

Photo by Robert Linder on Unsplash

He also shared a story about intelligence/common sense. He told me about a helicopter pilot he knows who once had to fly a scientist into a remote Alaska area with a large population of grizzly bears. On the way there, the scientist asked the pilot, “Hey, will I be safe down there once we land to conduct my research?”

The pilot responded by saying sure, and you have your bear spray. You’ll be fine. The scientist was more relaxed. Then, once the pilot drops the scientist off at the landing area, it is customary and safe practice to circle your payload (passengers) after drop to ensure everything is okay before leaving the site. Upon circling, the pilot noticed the scientist lying on the ground and screaming in agony. The pilot quickly landed the plane and came to find out that the scientist had thought that to protect yourself from bears, you needed to use the bear spray just as you would use mosquito spray/repellent. This story highlights to me the two consents that exist in life: The constant expanse of the universe and human stupidity.

Nonetheless, I have kept in touch with this individual from Alaska since meeting him. We have discussed religion, spirituality, international life, society, business, and communication. At this point, it is still early in our dialogue or relationship to call him a mentor, but he is someone I respect for his accomplishments and how he lives his life and family.

In our last conversation, he talked about books and how the lessons, strength, and wisdom that books offer are more crucial than ever. He pointed out that the number of humans becoming influenced by the quick, short video clips viewed, regurgitated, and repeated daily on social media platforms is mind-numbing. People mindlessly swipe up and repeat without even knowing where they are.

Okay, I added more to the last statement than what was discussed, but that was the central theme that led to our conversation about books. Then him recommending I read “Rhinoceros Success” by Scott Alexander, in addition to “The Fountainhead” and “The Art of War”.

As my girlfriend and I are traveling to Bogotá this weekend and later to Spain, I will use my travel time to learn and digest the thoughts and perspectives shared in these books.

On to the playful perspective of how to live a successful life through the lens of a rhinoceros. ALL CHAPTER PHOTOS COME DIRECTLY FROM THE BOOK AND I TAKE NO CREDIT IN CREATION.


Success is a state of mind. Belief, enthusiasm, and a never-give-up mentality have made humans throughout history successful in overcoming severe challenges. Seeing yourself as a rhinoceros with thick skin enables you to bounce off any problem or challenge. You are not like a cow or a sheep sitting around, afraid to go anywhere because you don’t know what you’re capable of. The author references that about 5 out of every hundred animals (people) are rhinos. They are the ones that rise out of bed at the sight of light, quickly brush their teeth, shower, dress, and go out to conquer the day.

I am open to change and announcing that I am a rhinoceros! I have a damn-the-torpedoes spirit! I am full of energy and can’t wait to get up in the morning to start charging! I am a successful tango dancing rhinoceros who competed at the world’s largest tango competition in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 2025. Okay, these last two statements have to do with writing affirmations or words of conviction about yourself, and I am following through with this from what the author asks the reader to do so. These are the main points from the opening chapter.

  • Belief: Believe in yourself and your abilities.
  • Enthusiasm: Be enthusiastic about your goals and never give up, no matter how difficult things get.
  • Never give up: Keep charging forward toward your goals no matter how difficult things get.


These main points speak to the theme that the training regimen or habit reunions must be successful in the six areas of one life: family, physical, social, and spiritual. Okay, everything written in this book is nothing new as for reading in personal development, readers see the constant pattern of what makes successful habits for individuals and what Scott’s perspective of taking these habits and relating to being a rhinoceros does bring a playfulness to the importance of living these habits to be successful. My approach is there is no question of doing. It is a command in my head and body that I must do with no questions asked.

  • Plan and charge toward your goals: Don’t just dream about success. Make a plan and take action.
  • Give to others, and you will receive back ten times as much: The more you put into something, the more you will get out of it.
  • Sell yourself to others: You are your product, so pack yourself well.
  • Take care of yourself: Your body is your business, so ensure you eat healthy and exercise enough.
  • Discipline yourself: Success requires self-discipline, so make sure you are in control of your habits.


What a great tile as one chooses to be happy. One decides to see what they want to believe. A central point main in this chapter is always to maintain a sense of your humor and always laugh at yourself. Imagine a rhino at the table having to fill out his taxes. That is bizarre, ridiculous, and funny. Please make a note as this is you or me. We always have to address taxes, and instead, get worried about them, appreciate them for what they contribute to society, and focus on how you can make money and that making money is fun and rewarding! There have been numerous times a day I need to laugh at myself for my mistakes in Spanish and completely forget some of the simple and common words or phrases to say in Spanish since I have been living in Colombia. I will often reply in my head when this happens with the words “ya que (whatever),” “yo puedo(I can),” or “bueno (good). The main points from this chapter.

  • Happiness is a choice: You can be happy or miserable, regardless of circumstances.
  • Happiness comes from feeling good about yourself: Treat yourself special, look good, and feel good.
  • Never lose your sense of humor: Learn to laugh at yourself and your challenges.
  • Things always work out for the best: If you believe that, it will be true.
  • Read the Bible: It is the original success manual with all the answers you need to live a successful life.


Be a kid that wants to roll in the mud pit like a rhinoceros would. This explains the thumbnail for this article by displaying a more serios picture of myself and then a whimsical, silly photo of myself on top to represent the kid in me and never lost. I keep going after it in life, and knowing the energy I put into living leads to success. A child at heart and mind.

  • Be audacious and daring: Don’t be afraid to take risks and pursue your goals. Rhinoceroses are not scared of anything, and they should be your inspiration.
  • Don’t make excuses: There is no excuse for not being successful. If you want to achieve your goals, you need to take action and stop making excuses.
  • Use your time wisely: You only have 24 hours daily, so use them wisely. Save time on things that matter.
  • Be a kid again: Have fun and enjoy life. Don’t take yourself too seriously.


Scott echos his rhino mindest: “You are indomitable! Nothing can conquer your strong will to succeed. Torpedoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, taxes, lightning, rhino poachers, and landmines will not subdue you.”

This makes me think of learning Spanish and how long it has been. I have practiced everyday Spanish since October 2021, speaking and listening to Spanish every day since I live in Colombia; I even make sure I do daily exercises using Duolingo and have a 600-day consistent streak of practice and work. I am far from being fluent. That is precisely why I am excited to get after it every day, continuously learning new Spanish words, phrases, combinations, and cultural uses and connecting deeper with individuals in Spanish. I will not give up on my learning of Spanish.

  • Persistence: It is essential to never give up on your dreams, no matter how difficult things may seem.
  • Even when things get tough, it is essential to keep fighting and never give in.
  • If you stick to your goals and never give up, you will eventually succeed.


From the author, “Do you know how to make a rhinoceros oat? Rootbeer, one scoop of vanilla ice cream, and one scoop of rhinoceros! Think like a rhinoceros all the time: A rhinoceros is a powerful and determined animal, and it is this attitude that will help you achieve success.” — main points from this chapter.

  • Opportunity can slip away in seconds, so you must be constantly prepared.
  • If you go rhino, you will immensely benefit in six primary areas: financial, work, family, physical, social, and spiritual.

Chapter 7: FINANCIAL

From the author, “Never let anyone tell you that money is “not all that important.” Money is important!”

Money is essential, but it should not be your God. I just had a conversation when I was walking our dog at the complex we live in here in Santa Rosa de Cabal, Colombia, with another individual of the complex and with his fiance. We got on the topic of money and how they mentioned how money comes and goes and that money isn’t everything. Of course, in my head, I thought money wasn’t the central important aspect of life. Still, our living situations and what we would be doing if we had more money would be different, and money is an important skill to know, process, handle, and learn how to make/earn.

  • Make money your hobby, not your work.
  • Try tithing 10% of your income to God or a religious institution.
  • Always pay yourself first by saving 10% of your income.

Chapter 8: WORK

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

From the author, “If you are struggling financially, you are probably suffering in your work.” I’m not struggling financially. However, I would like to be more thriving in finances. I do feel that the past year of work as a software engineer isn’t the most fulfilling work in my life, and what comes from continaully needing to stay on top of the tech stack, making sure your skills are sharp with coding challenges, and being very analytical in my thinking. Software engineers are essential and have lots of creativity in applications and projects that can be created. At times, I would want to be doing more work interacting with others directly rather than coding in a coding editor and figuring out how to deploy an application most securely and effectively on a cloud platform — my main thoughts from this chapter.

  • Work should be enjoyable and fulfilling, not drudgery.
  • If you dread going to work each day, plan your escape and find something you are passionate about.
  • Employers love to have to charge rhinoceroses on the payroll.
  • Be happy at work and show your personality.
  • Rhinos make successful sales animals.

Chapter 9: FAMILY

From the author, “Your family can either make you or break you. Your family can either make you or break you.” I feel that living together with my girlfriend Val, working together, and living with her parents in Colombia has dramatically created a deep relationship we have with each other. I’m grateful for how we all get along with each other’s company and laugh a lot.

  • It is essential to keep your family life in balance with your other areas of life, such as your finances and work.
  • To have a happy family life, be your rhinoceros self. This means being strong, determined, and resilient.
  • A marriage is like a beautiful garden. It needs to be constantly cared for and nurtured.
  • As for kids, just be yourself, and you will figure it out.
  • Rhinos that play together stay together. Get your family involved in your plans and make a fortune together.
  • If you are an unattached rhinoceros, be alert. You are in demand and should find another rhinoceros to partner with.

Chapter 10: PHYSICAL

As a former personal trainer, this is a must. Being physically fit is essential to your quality of life, and I’ ‘m grateful my father helped develop my habit of doing physical activity every day since I was a kid. I think back to all my morning workouts before going to school in Alaska in the wintertime at 5 AM outside at a park.

  • A healthy body is essential to “charge” through obstacles and achieve your goals.
  • Visualizing yourself as a rhinoceros can help you to tap into your inner strength and determination.

Chapter 11: SOCIAL

The past year of my life has been less with individuals I want to associate with that are also rhinos, and I want to aim at associating myself with more rhinos going forward.

  • The people we associate with have a significant impact on our behavior and our success.
  • We should choose our friends wisely and avoid associating with negative people.
  • We should be friendly and helpful to others if we want to make friends and advance socially.
  • Rhinos are naturally social animals who enjoy being with winners.

Chapter 12: SPIRITUAL

Ohhh, the religion topic… I believe religion provides an aspect of humanity and produces many solutions to human problems. Like all things, there are extremes, and religion is made up of humans. And humans aren’t perfect and have their flaws. I like how Scott describes or asks the reader to believe in something. Belief and faith even in what is morally right to you or your values. I like this quote, “Put the Bible on your “to read” list. If necessary, look at it when no one is around.” I’ve never read the Bible and would like to grasp more concepts that I am more and more coming across through talking with individuals in different circles and areas of life, and I believe it is essential to have faith beliefs. Please look at my article about getting baptized here in Santa Rosa de Cabal, Colombia, a few months back.

  • It’s essential to have something to believe in, even if it’s just what you think is right and good.
  • The Bible is an excellent place to start if you want something to believe in.
  • There’s no obligation to start attending church or reading the Bible if you don’t want to.
  • Believing in God is free, and there’s nothing to lose by trying it.
  • The author believes that God is the best bet around.

Chapter 13: RHINO GAMES

From this chapter, I am enthusiastic about following up with the game the author recommends practicing. Starring at other drivers waiting at a traffic light, smiling at them directly, and seeing their reaction.

Scoring goes:

Two points for a return smile and a wave. One point for a return smile — 0 points for merely breaking the coma. Minus points for any accident.

Main points from this chapter:

  • Minus points for any accidents. Have fun! Live a more audacious and adventurous life.
  • Try new things and step outside of your comfort zone.
  • Don’t be afraid of challenges.
  • Be prepared for problems.


Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

I aim to approach anything experience and situation that comes my way as how I can learn from the case and give empowering meaning to the situation. That said, problems are a part of life and will exist for everyone, even moments of sorrow from death. We all know this, and I choose to charge at my problems and sorrow that come my way with belief in solving and faith.

  • Problems are a part of life, and rhinoceroses are prepared for them.
  • Problems are a good sign because they indicate that progress is being made.
  • The first step in solving a problem is to identify it.
  • Once you know what the problem is, you need to take action to solve it.
  • If the problem is significant, you must charge it like a rhinoceros.
  • There is no solution to every problem, but there is always a way to improve the problem.
  • Sometimes, there are problems that you need help to do something about. In these cases, you need to have faith in God.


The last chapter ends with Keep charging! And that is how I have been approaching my life, especially after hearing the words of Jocko Willink through my ears and brain. Problems will always happen to you and others. The most important thing you can do is to keep getting after it. This is a mantra statement to myself that I am constantly saying and getting after it!

  • The author encourages the reader to become a rhinoceros, as rhinos are strong, decisive, and worry-free.
  • The author argues that the secret to success is overcoming inertia and “ charging” at your goals.
  • The author warns against the diseases of indecision, worry, overcaution, indifference, and pessimism.
  • The author concludes by urging the reader to “think rhinoceros and act rhinoceros” and to “charge at your dreams!”

I’m looking forward to chatting with the individual who recommended this book for its humorous and lighthearted look at the principles of success. The author uses the analogy of rhinoceroses to illustrate the qualities essential for success, such as strength, determination, and fearlessness.

The book is divided into 15 chapters, each focusing on a different aspect of success. I found this book full of practical advice and insights that can help readers achieve their goals. The author’s writing style is engaging and easy to read, and the book is full of humor and wit. In addition, referring to numerous bible verses throughout for adding additional wisdom.

Overall, “Rhinoceros Success” is a fun and informative read that can help improve your ability to succeed and can be accomplished by listening to it in audio form. At the same time, you pack your luggage for flying from Colombia to Spain.

After reading this book, I am inspired to:

  • Improve my physical fitness by taking daily hot yoga classes and CrossFit while in Spain
  • Associate with positive people who will help me to achieve my goals.
  • Find something to believe in, even if it’s just what I think is right and good.
  • Live a more audacious and adventurous life.
  • Be prepared for problems and challenges.
  • Charge at my goals with determination and fearlessness.

These actions will help me to become more successful in all areas of my life. And I thank you for your time in reading my perspective and thoughts from The Rhinoceros Success by Scott Alexander. I welcome any ideas, comments, and contact details below. Ciao!





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Xander Clemens
Xander Clemens

Written by Xander Clemens

| www.xanderclemens.com | Sharing life perspectives from the eyes of a software engineer 👨🏼‍💻 and dancer 🕺

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